Interpretimp3Flyleafmp3Fully Alive - MP3


Fully Alive

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Telling Layla's story spoken
'Bout how all her bones are broken
Hammers fall on all the pieces
Two months in the cover creases
Fully alive
More than most
Ready to smile and love life
Fully alive
Now she knows how to believe in futures
All my complaints shrink to nothing
I'm ashamed of all my somethings
She's glad for one day of comfort
Only because she has suffered
Fully alive
More than most
Ready to smile and love life
Fully alive
Now she knows how to believe in futures
Fully alive
More than most
Ready to smile and love life
Fully alive
Now she knows how to believe in futures
Fully alive
More than most
Ready to smile and love life
Fully alive
Now she knows how to believe in futures

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