Kunstenaarsmp3Audioslavemp3The Curse - MP3


The Curse

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Lyrische gedicht

Help me I don't know what I'm doin
Help me before I fall to ruin
And if I'm blind, I will lead you on
Come follow me now, before our time is gone[Chorus]
And as you're laughing at this fool tonight
Let me rid myself of any line that I might use to trip you up
And as I'm howling at the moonlight, don't you kid yourself
I will be your luck and never your curseHelp me I don't know what I'm saying
Sometimes this tongue can be betraying
And if I'm wrong, is that such a crime?
And if you want, you can set my words to right[Chorus]
And as you're laughing at this fool tonight
Let me rid myself of any line that I might use to trip you up
And as I'm howling at the moonlight, don't you kid yourself
I will be your luckAnd if your eyes forget to well
And if your lies forget to tell
And if our paths forget to cross
It doesn't mean you're lost[Chorus]
So as you're laughing at this fool tonight
Let me rid myself of any line that I might use to trip you up
And as I'm howling at the moonlight, don't you kid yourself
I will be your luckIf you're laughing at this fool tonight
Let me rid myself of any line that I might use to trip you up
And as I'm howling at the moonlight, don't you kid yourself
I will be your luck
Cause even at my worst
I will be your luck
never be your curse

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