Nejlepší koncert na kterém jsem byl(a)...?
Hudební styl, který je mi vlastní...?
Na hudební scéně uznávám...?
V neděli ráno si poslouchám...?
Vždy zvýším hlasitost když slyším...?
Až tohle dopíšu, jdu si poslechnout...?
Yana Princess is my real name? My name is Amaey!
Where are you from?---- I grew up in a South Baton Rouge, now I live in The Woodlands. They’re very different places.
How long have you been modelling?---- I started modelling about 3 years ago, i’ve done all sorts of stuff, not really an actress, but I couldn’t turn down a role in this movie, haha.
Because you’re a keen cyclist?---- It’s a hobby. I ride a Nolobi Cyan&Single actually. That’s my bike in the film! Added the stickers myself.
Interesting facts please: I can’t think of anything remotely interesting about myself, so I’ll leave that to your imagination.
Hobbies?---- I enjoy a good adventure, travelling around the world is a huge goal of mine, also enjoy snowboarding and other extreme sports. And when i’m feeling less active, you can’t go wrong with books and movies.
Where else can we find you? Instagram, my blog, Tumblr.