User profileDarkAngel

MRC | 21-02-2009 22:33
Crazy tell me why was crazy(boy(s)).
MRC | 21-02-2009 21:40
My valentin day was ordinary,I sent some msg to a very nice girl.And you after the party wasn't any sexy night:):):):)?Do you have any brother or sister?
MRC | 19-02-2009 17:00
And what was the valenti day?
MRC | 19-02-2009 16:50
thanks I'm fine.
MRC | 19-02-2009 16:49
Hi how are you?
MRC | 14-02-2009 21:24
Hi.Happy valentin day!
MRC | 12-02-2009 17:01
That is good!!!!!!!
MRC | 10-02-2009 17:20
Hi Darklady!Sorry that we can't spaek but I must went.What was the party?Tell me.
milkyway | 09-02-2009 11:35
no caaauu akoooo?
MRC | 07-02-2009 22:18
Okay I'm happy that we spoke,Have a good party and I hope you will tell me what happed.Have a sexy dream ;) Dark angel

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